The Construction
In detriment of a narrative that prioritized the construction of a truth objective elaborated, the return of the narrative in our current scene, if valley of indications for the construction of one third time, a ficcional moment, a creative invention of the historian, that by means of one intrigues, reconfigures imaginarily the past, longing for to substitute it. The historian if valley of tests carefully selected and made use in a net of combinations and analogies in order to produce one meaning, much more that to only explain, he operates as speech of authority of the researcher. It was with the advent of modernity and its belief in the rational ways of explanation of the Real, that the narrative enters in decline, transferred to establish it a new positioning for the historian, that would have to be absented total of its writing, most faithful to the sources, these that would have to pass for the bolter of the oficialidade. The use of rhetorical and literary devices was abolished of the academies, seen the maintenance of the cientificidade character that all permeava the speech of the time. Thus, the proper birth of history, while it disciplines, was pautou in what it never would have to be: myth, fbula or fiction, everything what not that it did not allow to the objetividade and the rationality defended for effective the academic standards then. The practical historiogrfica would have if to move away from the said language literary, the ficcionais speeches and the used linguistic devices in the elaboration of the texts, that would have to be guided by a simple language, clear and concise, many times come back only toward the reproduction of the document, that would have to be written and official. This way of boarding of History hardly passed to be criticized years later, having in the School of the Analles one of the main centers of problematizao and confrontation. .
The Dialogue
How much to the language also it is thus. So that the child acquires the capacity of conceitualizar, she is necessary before to be capable to symbolize. The symbols appear by means of the convivncia with the familiar ones, through the contact with the television (the programs preferred for the child show how much of simbolizao it was capable to absorb). In order to establish the capacity of conceitualizar, the child looks to models ' ' acessveis' ' it and therefore, certain people is more accepted of what others, in the privacy of this. The way to say, to dress, the attitudes, the form to touch in some thing, and same in the people are practical examples so that the child can learn and imitate. In conclusion, the said language is learned for what it is seen, hears, and touches. The capacity of conceitualizar, that is, to classify, to generalize and to categorize, it is developed by the relation with the environment. If the stimulation brings a safe knowledge, the sequence guarantees the learning; either of any content.
How much to the content, it will only fit to the conscience of each practitioner of the action, that is, the interlocutor. To this the responsibility will fit to teach and to contribute for the development of the human being. The dialogue is directly on to the content of speaks. How much better the level of the content (election in the concept and the emotion), as much better the quality to establish the dialogue. The more security and exactness in the perception, better the development of dialogue. The security and exactness in the perception nothing have to see with swaggerer and magnificent pride or. In the great majority of the times, many concepts are taught of simple and naked form of sophistication. Also simplicity nothing has to see with the mediocrity or duplicity of intentions, that is, the verbal language is the one and corporal language, clothes, or appearance, or same the corporal expressividade (attitudes), is another one.
It was easy to be good and amiable in favorable situes, but almost impossible to remain calm and balanced when the things go badly. When it is felt pressured, acuado. that environment with all its difficulties if would become a fire test, where the people inevitably would go if disclosing and displaying its true natures. It notices that the young mainly, if they held in different way of when they liveed in its native countries. Perhaps had the repression that had suffered.
There they are julgalvam to feel more ' ' livres' ' , with behaviors and exempt languages of any autocensura. Not respecting the environment much less the people to its redores. Acting in a way as if they wanted to recoup the lost time. Without having the concincia, that to the few they themselves are if losing and if depreciating on behalf of a pseudo freedom. They found that they were enough to protect its bodies with certain cares and condoms of all the species, but ignoring that they possess a soul, and to protect it, no type of physical protection would be efficient against the actual damages for the impensados acts.
They were vain who the only attraction that can offer to call the attention the world and to be accepted, would be its appearances. Showing its bodies each time more transfigurados by the new fashion, in detriment of what really it had value. The attritions were constant, as the Brazilian immigrants came of diverse parts of Brazil, of course started if to divide in classrooms. It was a mixture of customs and sotaques that however he was beneficial, however caused quarrels. Each classroom had its peculiarities as the discretion of the miners. ' ' malandragem' ' of the Carioca. The joy of the Bahian. The seriousness of the natives of So Paulo and the pride of the gauchos.