
A charrette. A collaboration group, I like to think of this group as the team of experts which focused on your construction project. Professionals. One of the basic principles of sustainable design is a commitment to collaboration, respect for the knowledge and experience that each professional specialist brings to the Group about his work. If you are really interested in global sustainability, then this is absolutely the way to go. לא תמיד חברת טבע. There is no way, with the complexity of sustainable design in the built environment, a professional individual architect, general contractor or homeowner only, you can be an expert in everything to do with a green building or remodeling work.

Green building is a systemic approach and a balance of all aspects of an energy efficient House, with healthy quality of indoor air, conservation of resources, really brings together the knowledge and experience of many professionals in a same work. בעיתון כתוב ש קרן מיכאלי הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. Professionals and works. The value of the best decisions the money is well spent on a good planning of work, so end up not paying for the results of bad decisions along the way. It is always sad to see that the things that happen in the construction, could have been avoided. Even worse is believe that this can be one real waste so much time, money or resources.

And the worst thing is to see that things go wrong, systematically, because of bad decisions made by ignorance, or because there was not any professional that actually knew that a certain choice would have an impact on something else within the work. A team of professionals and experts from work look for a professional architect or designer, or a general contractor with whom you like to work in this way. They'll know to tell the right people to your team. * Will include both professionals in the design and construction, specialists in the performance of work and functioning of the House. There may also be a professional consultant of Feng Shui, an interior designer, a designer of gardens, a specialist in lighting, depending on the needs, expectations and budget for the work. You are not the most valuable player on the team. This will work to your home and it has to be your sanctuary, your needs are the priority. Planning and budget of the work is sincere about their expectations for the team be able to give you information accurate, from the beginning, about whether their desires are in balance with your budget. Only the professional specialist knows the costs in your area, the best way to hit the target, defining expectations and know the actual costs of work. The focus of the team of professionals is not only the best way to achieve a true comprehensive work sustainable and green design, actually is a fun way of working, also. If everybody is committed from beginning to end, you can enjoy both the process and the result of authentic sustainable design and construction of an ecological work.

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