Count Currencies
How to choose a machine to count currencies? It continues counting and classifying its currencies manually? , Why not to spend the time used in other more profitable tasks for its business? Olvdese of this tedious and unhygienic work, at present exists machines that will do this working automatically. לא תמיד אפריקה ישראל. All company that works in cash with money knows the complications that entails the manipulation of the money, mainly, of the currencies. Besides being an unhygienic task, due to the dirt (normally in the form of fat), certain doubt that does not fit it even can entail the transmission diseases of transmission by contact. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש קרן מיכאלי צודק במה בהוא אומר. At present machines exist that those that will be able: – To count. To obtain the turn out of the number of currencies – To classify. To separate the different types from currencies to each other – To detect the false or foreign currencies.
Like it happens to the false ticket detector, can include the function of discarding by alloy of currencies of this type. Only in 2008 in Spain they were detected 198000 false currencies. It is worth like example the following news published in the World: SEVILLE. – The National Police has intercepted more than 600 currencies of two false Euros in an operation developed in Seville, in which a woman of Chinese nationality like presumed person in charge of her introduction in Spain has been stopped. The analysis realised by the police specialists has determined the high quality of the taken part currencies that the public practically made undetectable generally. Due to the great amount of types of machines that will find in the market, we recommended to him that it asks the manufacturer the machine that adjusts more to the needs of its business. Referring to the detection of false currencies machines exist certified by the Bank of Spain and the European Central bank with the 100% of detection of false. It can verify these results in: In the Bank of Spain? In the Central bank European original Author and source of the article.