Educdation: Geography

The IMPORTANCE OF the DIDACTICS FOR the GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION, CONSIDERING the PERTAINING TO SCHOOL EVALUATION IN BASIC EDUCATION AND/OR MDIO* Valtey Martins de Souza the presented text hour, goes to detach the importance of the didactics for the geography education, leading in consideration the paper of the pertaining to school evaluation in basic and/or average education. In the case of the didactics used for the professor, it must always take in consideration the questions that affect daily of the two citizens of the process education learning: professor and pupil. The learning of geography perpassa not only for the use of pedagogical-didactic resources, but for the contextualizao of the contents, guiding the educandos for the exercise of the citizenship, always respecting the minorities, also and at the same time, assisting in the awareness of a society inconclusa, inconclusos and historical individuals. In this conjuncture, the didactics used in the geography education must take the boardings of basic questions that affect in them in day-by-day, spoiling the quality of life in the terrestrial surface, as the forest fires, the use of mercury fish, it predatory, the job of the vegetal coal as combustible, the fenced season, the pollution of waters, the destruction of the ozone layer, in short, the relations that the individuals stop in the seio of the society and with the nature. Of this form, depending on the didactics used for the geography education, the awareness of educating can happen, or not. The education methodology is of basic importance for the education process learning, if to take in consideration moral, ethical, cognitivos and affective values of the being educating, that it is changedded into subject to leaving of these estimated basic. In this perspective, the way to facilitate to the education/learning used for the educator in geography, can take educating to understand and explain the world. The understanding and explanation of world must, logically, be seen under the optics of the technological advances and them decurrent sociocultural transformations of the conflicts agreements between the elements formadores of the society.

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