This is the most frequent excuse who are not entrepreneurs to explain their lack of creativity, determination and initiative. * One of entrepreneurial skills is to identify and secure resources, including financial resources. בעיתון כתוב ש טבע תעשיות הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. * Another aspect sufficiently documented in research around the world is that, in general, most of the money that is invested to start a company comes from personal savings, family members and friends. * Even many times the abundance of money more than aid is a prejudice, because the decisions are not valued and committed major economic waste. * There are many ways to do a project and the task of the employer is to identify the shape which is functional for its level of resources.
* I need five million to start my business. Reality: unless you build hardware (in which case should rethink you what you're doing) probably you don't need any initial capital. He has written abundantly on this so I am not going to dwell too much, except to say this: no you need much start-up capital, but you need a willingness to work to let you skin. You have to do bear fruit your bright idea yourself; Nobody will do for you, and nobody will give you money to hire someone that do it for it. The reason is very simple: If you don't believe in the commercial potential of your idea enough for sacrificing your weekends and your afternoon to have a majority, do you believe others in it enough as to put at risk its money hard earned? ** With enough money to start it may not fail.RealidadLo always opposite is true; with too much money at the start and a lack of discipline and impulsive spending, it usually leads to serious problems and even failure.The opposite is always true; with too much money at the start and a lack of discipline and impulsive spending, it usually leads to serious problems and even failure.