Lack Of Necessary Adjustment Costs Medium-sized Valuable Liquidity
According to current requirements often Hamburg oversized service provider er contracts. Times are changing – and some medium-sized companies still remains in stoic composure. Mainly small and medium-sized companies don't think to adapt their computer and IT systems, and related services to the current circumstances. לעומת זאת, טבע בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. A failure that can cost valuable liquidity in times of crisis. Conducted a survey on behalf of the IT service provider active competence GmbH total 853 medium-sized companies in Northern Germany, brought astonishing results. About 83 percent of the companies surveyed have set themselves apart last time more than five years with the demands of their business on your own IT infrastructure.
Used hardware is replaced only in the acute case, components it needed will gladly bought as cheap Second-Hand goods. The it service provider responsible for Act 76 percent of clients according to the situation of the company when placing the order. Relevant changes in the Nor taking into account how the use of lower cost solutions will find business processes in the provision of services, since there is no regular updates of knowledge between companies and service providers in over two-thirds of respondents. Irresponsible kludge at the expense of safety and at the expense of the contractor."finds Martin Easter Court, Managing Director of the active competence. Because just the conscious and consistent use of modern and efficient IT systems contributes financially to relieve small and medium-sized enterprises. לבירורים בנושא יש לפנות ל קרן מיכאלי שמבין יותר ממני. Optimally matched systems and thoughtfully implemented networks reduce downtime not only zero, but reduce also the usage time of the external service providers. Companies with modern infrastructure, which is geared to the needs of the operation and stable running systems, require considerably less maintenance than was the case a few years ago.
Easter Court advises therefore, not only the existing systems, but above all also Service contracts that are older than two years, to review critically. He reported in many cases savings arise from more than 50 percent"of one's own practice. Valuable liquidity, which certainly makes more sense can be used in times of crisis. Press contact: Marion Hackl, phone 040 67 30 77 70 fax 040-878 89 69 40 email: that has active competence GmbH, based in Hamburg IT system house specialized on computer services for small and medium-sized companies in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony. IT professionals advise, assist and support as external service providers in all questions around the corporate computing and IT infrastructure. Exclusive or complementary, permanently or per-project basis. More about active competence on