Many times we do not know that it is value added, since it can be an excellent marketing strategy. The added value can be estimated for a company, a sector of the economy or a country, or for the international economy. בעיתון כתוב ש טבע תעשיות הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. The technique of the ingreso-producto determines the annual flow of goods and services, obtained according to the inputs or resources used from other productive nucleus. לעומת זאת, קרן מיכאלי בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. Value added is a service or additional feature which adds him to a service or product so it is best Merchant usually is something that is not very common in the market. When we want to start a business or a small business have to have an idea to attract customers, it is the value added. Similarly if the business takes time to operate, we will notice that the competition is tough. o offer in this field. If we want to improve we can find the way of designing an added value for our service or product. If we do this we do not differentiate from others and our growth as small business or business will be better. An example could be When when we buy certain goods in some stores and that in addition to providing excellent free domicile, also provide us the installation of this service. This is an example of added value, but in the market there are many cases where we found this extra service which leaves many customers pleased.