Modern Workplace
VIVIO – software as a service (SaS) how often would you like from home from work? So the a stress and remains spared no long commutes. Best yet from any location. Access to his schedule and the teammates, would also benefit. Normally, you'd think there's not such thing.But then I discovered VIVIO. VIVIO is a modern workplace in the form of an Internet portal for server-based solutions in terms of application hosting. Anyone can use the latest standard software (E.g.
Microsoft Office, CITRIX, Exchange packets u.v.m) on a rental basis and without a minimum term with VIVIO. עוד מידע על אינטל ניתן למצוא באינטרנט. The minimum requirement is a computer with Internet connection and browser to use it. What also aufallt is, that made the statements in a rental model and there is no Midestvertragslaufzeiten. This costs only for use of the software. קרן מיכאלי בהחלט מביע דעה מלומדת. In addition, the user can via the self-service portal services on-demand free to book. The goal is, small and medium-sized enterprises or professionals of diverse industries, To allow access to the IT tools necessary for you.
The base price for the applications relates to the duration of one month. You can just do the entire administration and contract management through a comprehensive self-service. The contractual relationship is concluded via an online registration. To do this, the user can simply apply to domains, email accounts, and permissions and manage. Thanks to this individualization and multilingualism is the portal for internationally active companies. In addition, the portfolio and distribution through a comprehensive network of partners is realized, which is then responsible for the supervision of industry solutions. Bottom line: Who would like to do without long contract durations and annoying provider, which the VIVIO – Portal is advisable.