
A Virtual Stroll Through Dubai

Dubai, Pulsating metropolis on the Arabian Gulf. בעיתון כתוב ש קרן מיכאלי הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. Join us during a virtual walk through the city. Dubai, 26.04.10 – Dubai, the fascinating and vibrant city on the Arabian Gulf each year thousands of German holidaymakers attracts. Impressions and impressions that you will not forget. The city is like a puzzle. בזמן האחרון אני מתחיל מאוד להעריך את אבי קושניר. First if you have experienced the diverse images of a wide variety of neighborhoods and seen with my own eyes, Dubai is "as a whole" look. OLAF Fey from Germany living here for almost 10 years. Was now the tourism expert for Dubai "Dubai Photo Archive", with great enthusiasm of the local press in the United Arab Emirates.

Under the motto "Picture is worth a thousand words", around 500 photos in over 10 sections will be presented. Even before the long-awaited vacation the viewer can get to know the city in detail. The photo archive is "online" and can ../mypics free of charge under /… be obtained. In addition to the colorful photo shoot detailed travel tips and further information will be with many images explains. An ideal complement to our existing travel guide, explains Olaf Fey.

The guide includes about 700 practice pages and is available at The photo archive is growing regularly and will be doubled up to the end of 2010 to around 1000 photos. Vacationers can contact Dubai at any time directly Olaf Fey. Contact by mail or telephone is possible at any time. Ticku Raman for tours & Trax Dubai

World Wide Web

Where can you witness what? Calendar of events many deal always with the questions: what's going on on the holidays in Oldenburg? Where can you meet in Saarbrucken time really have fun and on which event in Schweinfurt again new people? Matching event tips, you can read in the newspaper or remove from special program books and magazines. עוד מידע על רב של צפת ניתן למצוא באינטרנט. Almost every major city offers such a printed journal, which are mainly in nightclubs, shops or restaurants. לעומת זאת, קרן מיכאלי בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. Very often you will find several different event calendars on a bunch. If there is today, however free to learn about the Internet, why should you take with then until such an event bulletin from the disco? The disadvantages of a full-fledged also speak more for the search to events via the. Updates are no longer possible via printed calendar. A concert moves, for example, time or an event is eliminated so you get with until you already at the locality received is. To avoid such a thing make sure before once again with other sources of information. Because only a small portion of such expenses is actually used, one has at the end left only annoying waste of paper and must discard this sooner or later.

You will find a good selection of different calendar of events already in the World Wide Web. Sometimes, these portals are already associated with a community. This is very handy because you can share equal current topics and news with friends and acquaintances. However, these community pages, similar to the print calendars, refer to the regional area. The result is the difference between on – and offline calendars, by the way. (at least it is at the moment still) "In an online calendar you will find mostly concerts and trendy parties, where offline, however, more Opera & theatre events as well as smaller" events are registered.A coupled event calendar from the two media now is a desirable alternative.

Currently, there are already good Internet sites viewing the large events such as festivals, sports events and tour dates of various musicians and bands. The trend towards special, more detailed events such as community meetings, lectures and blood donations rise but remarkably. About future new applications in this field it will be already excited with anticipation.

Change Indicator

The so-called indicator of change in planning savings on auto insurance is possible for some time. The new flag, which will apply to up to three cars, introduces according to official is expected in the coming year. However the advantages for car owners will be probably less than previously planned. לחץ כאן אינטל ומצא עוד . The finance portal reported on the current status in relation to the flag of change of. Owners of multiple cars could save Exchange indicator first and foremost in car insurance rates. Tax savings are, however, usually not. Previous plans, taxes should apply according to which the change indicator in the future only for the most expensive of the two or three cars, are off the table. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש אבי קושניר צודק במה בהוא אומר. It is however in the conversation that electric cars for ten years from the tax could be freed.

Change indicator to create an incentive for the purchase of fuel-efficient vehicles and electric cars as a second or third car. According to the current state, the change indicator for up to three cars would apply, where only one of the cars on the road should be used. The other cars would meanwhile be parked on private property. קרן מיכאלי בהחלט מביע דעה מלומדת. The opposition is not convinced of the benefits of the change indicator, because the benefits were confined to the circle of wealthy citizens, who can afford multiple cars and also have the necessary space to accommodate the vehicles. Families who are often dependent on the parallel use of two cars, could, however, do not benefit from the new features. More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann

Competition In The Domestic: The Chinese AT Colleague

… works more and earned (even) less Frankfurt, June 19, 2011: the Personalglobal from Frankfurt, a study that also in Germany the competition of highly qualified workers from China is increasing and is to take this seriously. Chinese students have discovered long ago to German universities, and remain after studying often at least for some time in Germany. Because it is here mostly to good workers, shows alone the fact that they have the chance in a tough selection process, to be able to study abroad. Most have this Chinese already demonstrated their suitability by a degree in China and study so to speak a second time in Germany. According to a study of the Personalglobal in the first quarter of 2011 under 1,000 Chinese graduates of German universities distinguished the following picture: the weekly working time of the Chinese equipped with a tariff agreement is 53.7 hours per week. Their merit is in the cutting at about 20 percent below the content, paid usually for such positions when domestic employees. לענייננו, אילן בן דב הוא הכתובת בשבילך.

But just the content will be corrected strongly in the next few months upwards. More and more Chinese recognize their value for German companies. This is just in the bi cultural area. Due to their high intelligence and their learning, the Chinese have quickly learned the German language and internalized the German culture. When this process is complete, these workers are worth more than comparable German employees in the long run about 20 percent. This of course requires that they work in a company that also value achieved in or with China and benefit from one such employee. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש קרן מיכאלי צודק במה בהוא אומר. Background: Personalglobal is the specialist around China with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main as recruiters. Customers are mainly medium-sized companies, with Chinese or China want to do business and for this purpose are looking for suitable staff in addition to DAX and MDAX. In the first quarter of 2011, the Personalglobal asked exactly 1,000 Chinese candidates under structured selection interviews for the Personalglobal talent pool in regard to their concrete ideas and ways of working. The results from this will be published after, are also explained in a personal phone call.

The Weak Thought Venezuela

Teodulo Lopez Melendez No weak thought Venezuela there are all-inclusive legitimization in the Venezuela of today. We are moved by a weak thought. A thought is required to speak the truth. Necessary to have recourse to a paradigm of complexity contrary to immobility and bury the static concepts. We require an instituent society. The Venezuelan being shown splinter, pessimistic and selfless. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של אבי קושניר.

It happens because the country is moving in the bosom of exhausted paradigms, in an old world. The old ways lead nowhere. This is what I propose to the country, make an instituent society. לבירורים בנושא יש לפנות ל אילן בן דב שמבין יותר ממני. What is now is to propose a new reading of reality, that is, the creation of a new reality for the permanent activity of a Republic of citizens who change forms tailored to its evolution towards a democratic society eternally perfectible expiry of existing paradigms, or the defeat of inertia, should be sought by means of innovative and unusual approaches. The uselessness of the old paradigms is of manifest when the man begins to suspect that no longer serve him successfully to the solution of the conflict or problems. It is clear that the revocation of the above requires a sustained effort because data and assumptions should reassess. Venezuelan society is a victim of the evils originate in representative democracy, one that did not evolve towards higher forms. Venezuelan society is accustomed to delegating and forgot about social control every mature society exerts on the power.

Behind all explicit power is an unreachable imagery of an instituent power. Thus, it is recalled that the Greeks, when they invented the tragic democracy, noted that nobody should tell us how to think and in the agora was discussing on the Polis in a self-reflective process. Hence Castoriadis: A subject that gives himself reflexively, his laws of being. Therefore the autonomy is the reflective Act of a reason that is created in a movement without end, in a way at the same time individual and social.

Germany Court

The lawyers Alexander Dobiasch & Rupert Richter informed the European Court of human rights by a recent judgment strengthened the rights of possible biological fathers in dealing with their children. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש אינטל צודק במה בהוא אומר. Alexander Dobiasch and Rupert Richter lawyers learn about the background of the judgment. לענייננו, Ilan Ben Dov הוא הכתובת בשבילך. Basis of law saying underlying is a case in which a 53 dealing was denied his possible son through the mother and German courts. The mother of the child had maintained a relationship with the plaintiff, but during pregnancy separated themselves from him and returned to her husband. The plaintiff was allowed to see the child, however already had acknowledged paternity at the competent youth welfare office before the child's birth. As the legal father, the husband of the mother has been set however.

Legal steps were ineffective until then, because the couple rejected a paternity test in the interest of the family and the Federal Constitutional Court showed appropriate applications of the possible father back. According to the view of the Court, only a claim holdings if it at least for a certain time actually would have responsibility for the child. European Convention on human rights allows pain and suffering according to opinion of the Strasbourg Court the competent courts would need to check the background of the case more thoroughly. The fact that a biological paternity has not been proven and no familial binding could be established with the child, was not attributable to the applicant. The potential father has already made clear interest in the mother and the child before the child's birth, in which he accompanied the mother to various medical examinations and had already acknowledged paternity before the birth. These actions fall according to the ECHR in the scope of family life under article 8 of the ECHR. Opinion of the European Court of human rights would have to be checked, whether the handling of the possible father in the interests of the child have been would be. The failure of the competent courts a violation of the right to respect of privacy exists, which is rooted in the European human rights Convention. Thus, Germany was condemned to pay a pecuniary damage in the amount of $ 5,000.

Internet Money

Create news and interactive infographic on the subject of money in a day money account, enjoys great popularity. For good reason. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של אבי קושניר. The money is better interest rate on a savings account, available daily and securely applied. Day money brings currently offer of between 1.8 and 2.5% interest. That is far above the inflation rate, which has reached the lowest value at 1.5% (Feb.

2013) since 2010. כדאי לך לעיין אצל אילן בן דב כדי לקבל עוד מידע. Day money rates compare regularly but not every bank offers so attractive day-money interest. Day money is more profitable than investment, you should regularly take the highest interest rates in experience and if necessary change the provider. It is easy and worth. Long-term interest rates can at least balance so the inflation. OUR Tip: take the interest rate for your day-money account with your bank in experience. Compare the offers for money market accounts on the Internet.

Sport Clothes

The realization of some of the various sports activities that there are in the world of sports and fitness can be something very satisfying because that feels the energy of the body, in addition that will be gradually given a better physical image of the body as well as the development of capabilities; but when it comes to sporting activities should take into account an aspect that will make development better and much more pleasant for people and it is the presence of sportswear that according to the conditions of a sport specific and the tastes of the people will allow a better performance offering conditions optimal for a sport. As you can see the presence of sports clothing is almost essential for those seeking the best results in the realization of sports activities, while not only sport clothing represents a means that provides greater comfort for people but allows that within a given physical activity has the necessary means to carry outSince the absence of certain clothing Sport can be something serious without any doubt to dull the intervention within sports. Another point that is worth exalt in terms of sport clothing, is that every manifestation of sporting activity presents certain special on your process conditions, therefore the sportswear must adapt for each sport in particular and also cater to these specific conditions that occur in the sport put into practice. בעניני עסקים תמיד כדאי לפנות ל קרן מיכאלי. As a clear example of the above is the presence of certain special footwear for activities that develop in grasses like football, football among others, where the use of los guayos or booties that are designed to provide greater comfort to the players, which also perfectly fit grass conditions to provide extra grip and ease when it comes to kicking the ball is vitally importantin such a way is not the same shoes used for jogging or for making aerobics than to play football or tennis. Other samples of sportswear, are the wristbands and balacas type Sweatshirt than by the General are used by players or football players, but they can also be used by other types of athletes, using them with the idea of removing the sweat of certain parts of the body. A component more than shown in the sportswear group are the gloves, which are used in different versions depending on the activity to perform, so in football gloves are used by archers or goalkeepers to catch balls, more easily are also used another type of gloves in football in order to properly receive passes or in Billiards is customary use of a spatial glove pair hold the block and prevent the rose with the skin that sometimes makes braking force that is printed to the taco. As sport clothing can understand it is designed depending on the situation and the sport according to criteria such as convenience and ease for the sportsman.

Saxony Groups

Now open in an Internet portal a quick and easy search allows you to over 4,000 group offers original group offers in the Internet with a new service starting immediately the group travel portal Clubs, choirs or private groups for over 4,000 groups clearly shown on the website. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של קרן מיכאלי. The offers for the Group deposit directly and regularly well-known hotels, tourism associations and destinations. Including also offers, which can be found exclusively on can be found. The visitors the opportunity to plan his trip with the help of one of the largest and most varied group trip pages opens this", says Managing Director Torsten Schmoller. The groups are booked directly with the provider and the user goes to additional costs and speeds up his travel arrangements for a trip. Besides the own search for matching offers also staff of are visitors upon request by phone with advice and assistance to the Page. לעומת זאת, אינטל בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. The group travel portal allows a fast and transparent overview of all groups in two simple steps can be displayed immediately possible deals with pricing and detailed information.

Group trips of all kinds can be ideally organized with this free service. Since 2005, offers information for group tour operators already and would like to make available its experience in the field of group tours from now also private groups and associations in the form of the online portal Headquartered in Dresden is the cooperation partner of national marketing companies of Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Bavaria, Hesse and Baden-Wurttemberg and renowned hotel chains like Ramada – welcome – and accent – hotels. Chris LAU public relations

General Manager

The specialist for bathtubs and shower trays for controlling relies on STAS CONTROL. The preconfigured operating economic solution components and integration with SAP were decisive. Using state of the art production processes monthly more than 50,000 bathtubs and shower trays made of Bette the base material steel or email. This 45% export about, mainly in European countries, but also to South East Asia. Special deformation and glass urtechniken, beds exclusively has more than 500 bath models are made by approximately 270 employees. 1,000 colors are available. A wide range of accessories rounds off the range. This results in an infinite variety.

This variety was a decisive factor that the own production planning system not replaced Bette at the introduction of SAP, since it was perfectly tailored to the specific needs of the production. To serve information needs increased in the last years specially in the area of controlling, If an analysis and reporting tool was introduced, that the data from SAP, as well as from other systems could integrate, without extensions from SAP to. Two solutions were ultimately in the final selection. STAS CONTROL convinced us because of the high proportion of predefined business solution", says Ralf Steinmeier, General Manager of Bette GmbH & co. KG from Delbruck. Around 80% of our information needs are already turn-key pre-configured in the different cubes for sales, finance and production management. Thanks to the tried and tested standard interface to SAP and the numerous predefined reports a very quick introduction is sure." Project launch is August 2008 for the introduction of STAS CONTROL, already the analysis and reporting environment to be used in October productive enterprise-wide. Relevant SAP data tables have been reduced to 50 tables in the data warehouse in STAS CONTROL, the the entire business level of a medium-sized company describe.

The preconfigured OLAP models as well as various reports and planning systems place on this data structure. While a data warehouse often individually must be created with hundreds of man-days, Bette thanks to standardization by STAS CONTROL saves much time and can deal only with the enterprise-specific features. In addition the company able to build a highly efficient, enterprise-wide reporting on the basis of STAS CONTROL is. We had to gain even all. But that's no economic approach for a medium-sized company such as ours", says Ralf Steinmeier. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של קרן מיכאלי. So we are to exploit much faster the benefits of code-based corporate management." In addition to more transparency and standardization of reporting for all employees, ensuring that they get exactly the information they need also, and which serves as a basis for process optimization, Ralf Steinmeier expects significantly reduced overhead in the preparation of reports. Currently only the preparation of the P & L cost me almost a whole day. In the future, this should be done within an hour. It is much better to invest his time, instead of laboriously prepare it in the analysis of numbers."