Joseph towards the Holy Grail"a wisdom book by Wolfgang Wallner-F. – the blurb promises not to much, if he was there: at some point, it may be that he is just. You can follow him, or you leave it. The guardian of the threshold. It is a statue of Joseph. Saturn? And he crosses the threshold.
And behind it.? An empty, dusty theater? And no understudy for the role of a lifetime. There is also Lucifer, who felt an irrepressible yearning. A loving longing for his homeland, after God. Joseph towards the Graal "is the extraordinary report on an extraordinary journey. A journey that can begin anywhere, anytime. Also for you! Well, if you step on them." Basics of imagination, which are this book allows to search the Graalslegende itself and that Parsifal ultimately took with him the Graal in the sky. What is Joseph the possibility to resume the search for the Graal, based on findings, religions, philosophies, Open psychologies and even quantum mechanics.
Allowing this possibility arises, can an interested reader look up even after the end of the plot in the book or there get more suggestions. But you see yourself on the Internet page of the book. There are wallpapers and excerpts. The previous book of the author (Elihu survivor records out of eternity) was released in October 2007 in Romania and was there a first reader review: Mi-a placut enorm…mi-a dat aceesi traire totala ca si psalmii lui David.Mi se pare ca se potriveste perfect acelor cautatori ai adevarului de genul TOTUL SAU NIMIC…adica evita acea cale confortabila de mijloc… לעומת זאת, קרן מיכאלי בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. ", which roughly translated means: I loved this book enormously." It put me in the mood that I had when I read the Psalms of David. "It seems to me that fits the book for all the people that are on the search for the truth involves all or nothing… that is to say, the book follows not the comfortable middle path…" "In the book of Joseph-towards the Graal" which tracks Author further consistent this way. "In contrast to the book Elihu" he no longer wrote the new book in Taoist language elements inaccessible for some readers, but as the title of the da Vinci Code suggests – the Grail theme included, at the latest since Dan Brown and sacrilege "is popular again. In contrast to Robert Langdon (represented in the film by Tom Hanks), is in the book of Joseph – towards the Graal"protagonist Joseph a real chance to find the Grail.