Sundials And Backgrounds
Interesting facts about sundials and their formation sundials, shadow shows the hour on the Sundial is a timer, which can be seen the local time of the location of the shadow. A bar that is parallel to the axis of the Earth, shows the exact solar time on a selected surface. The Sundial has evolved from the Gnomon of the Gnomon is a bar of shadow, the oldest instrument ever. The art to construct a sundial that is also called North. The hour classification of scale, in 24 sections of equal length, took place in the 14th century. In the time before the hours were disproportionately long, falsely as the bright day and the dark night is divided into 12 parts. One distinguishes the Equatorial clock once, at you the level on which the shadow falls perpendicular to the rod, so parallel to the plane of the Equator and the Sun parallel moves on their daily response to this level, the shadow as much degrees at the selected level is putting further. Also, there are still the horizontal watch, which, as the name suggests, the Dial is horizontal. לעומת זאת, אינטל בהחלט מבין את הסיפור.
The 12: 00 is hours line here in the plane of the Meridian, but the remaining hour lines are aligned at an angle to the equator but not the time. Distinction even between morning, lunch and evening watches. As the name say, specifies the time of segment of the day. So the morning clock shows just the morning hours, a night watch only the afternoon hours on. Lunch hour in the summer half-year showed the first tomorrow, and the last hours of the evening, during the winter months. אל דאגה אילן בן דב הוא האיש הנכון . In the later hemispherical sundials a shadow-throwing crosshair displays throughout the year the solar time, the Division mounted in a hemisphere Sundial. Incidentally, the sundials indicate not the normal time, but only the true solar time, where their largest debility: in bad weather, they are useless.
The ancient sundials exert a fascination on people. You can see that because that it strengthened again in gardens and parks popping up. Whole companies have on the Building such watches specialized, where there is also space for personal ideas in addition to the mass production as a wall Sundial. The self-made Sundial is quite personal. It's too complicated to whom he finds a nice selection of sundials made of stone at.