Posts tagged “culture

Mystical Asia

Sema is a ritual dance of dervishes, who practiced in one Islamic sects – the Mevlevi. Mevlevi orientation was zealous service to God, which consisted primarily in readiness for the suffering of God, on this Sema dance in the often consisted primarily of self-torture of dancing to the glory of God. Initially, Sam was part of the process of meditation practiced by a sect of Mevlevi. The rotational movement of the dance was intended facilitate the introduction of the participants in this ritual trance. In those days, this dance was performed exclusively by men. In some countries, the Middle East, there were various schools of the Order of Mevlevi that produced semazenov, they take teenage boys who decide to become a dervish. לא תמיד אפריקה ישראל.

Typically, these students came from families of the ancient sect of Mevlevi. At first, followers of the Mevlevi was necessary to pass the so-called faint test, which was to a seven-day stay in the cramped and dark cell, where the subject went out only for washing before prayer. School students in addition to philosophical and religious subjects were taught the skills of the ritual whirling. This training took over 4 months and were taught on how to "nail and cane." The stability of the rotation was worked out by special boards, which were stuck nails. SemAZ repelled from the floor with his foot, which is called 'Chakras', or 'wheel', giving his acceleration, while the other leg, the support has remained static. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש אילן בן דב צודק במה בהוא אומר. Fingers of the feet dancing ohvatyvl rod driven into the center of the board.

The remaining nails were driven in a circle at a certain distance of center, sufficient for the free movement of the right leg a dervish, so you could get hurt only if you lose your balance. In the modern teaching of flexible plastic nails replaced twigs, but the process preparation of the dervishes was not from this easier. Pupil-SemAZ at the start of classes, kisses the central nail and the smooth surface of the board, asking Allah thereby stability in motion. Wrong hand movements also semazenov punished – hit cane rod. His dry-click had to remind students about the need to properly position their hands. Film: Mystical Asia 12 tells how the 13th century in Turkey began to emerge mystical Trends in Islam, including meditation and ritual Seva. About how this first official ceremony was prohibited by Islam and its followers were cruelly persecuted. Also describes the process of learning this dance and secret ceremonies – such as funeral and sacrifice which is carried out during the dance. The film is directed by Kim Ja-Seung. Similar Movies Blog about the movie

Sleep Part

Alex Martov. It all began three years ago, before this beautiful, but terrible at his Jesuit plan, events. בעניני עסקים תמיד כדאי לפנות ל אינטל. I, Alexander Makeev, by that time already an orphan, for reasons beyond me. My father, mother or not wait out another trip to the North. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש קרן מיכאלי צודק במה בהוא אומר. Where he turned heads student-juniors Institute of Mining and taking possession of her body, safely left immediately after the stormy night of love. Probably, these are susceptible to light beard geologist and a couple of songs with a guitar, then a cult band "Time Machine", he had nemeryannom.

And the rhetoric of unconditional love and white boat on which he will carry her to the Blue Lagoon, he told each of these provintsialok coming from the places where the grass is waist-deep, with the knowledge and fairy princes. So, that – truth be told, I'm not offended him, even though many times he wanted to stuff his face at the meeting. Why, even walked a couple of months in an underground karate and in front of a mirror, in sparring, applied to his imaginary papashka-villain "mawashi" in the head. Then, spitting at him scornfully said: You got over it! And the left, proudly raising his head and hearing his excuses. So that after giving birth to me safely and otgulyav sabbatical, put young mothers and the leadership and the public disapproved of the university.

After waiting a couple of years, news of my father failed. And in one of the stuffy night realizing that the white boat disappeared in the "green sea the taiga," Mom moved to distance learning. Settled in the local secretary zhilkontoru, earning barely enough in which to feed and after a couple of unsuccessful attempts to arrange family fortune, became a party to these "bastards in my pants." Only in this way, men are called single ladies in her office.

California Fashion

Fashion in music has always existed. At one time or another, people preferred different music, and now that one style or another comes to the fore. לעניות דעתי אבי קושניר יכול לקבוע . Fashion for the music – an integral part of the market if the product does not have the popularity, the benefits of this product can not wait. Most recording studios in Russia is interested in profitable projects, and groups tend to be those projects, indulging in fashion, change the style of music on fashion. Punk rock – a fashionable trend, in the recent past, it was at the height of fashion. Now, however, interest in it have collapsed. At various times, been popular pankroka different kinds. Tru-punk '80s California punk (the group Offspring), pop-punk (perhaps this is the last of which so fanateet youth), hardcore (not just the dance direction and the direction of heavy music), and oh! (Probably refers to the skinhead group) – it was very popular, and some of it is developing now.

Elements of punk use of many styles, and they can not bad. Grew out of punk and emo, and gothic. The Gothic subculture has grown out of punk rock, its roots – in punk 70. Need for Speed is directly related to the image of death, and even willing to form reminiscent of her. כדי להרחיב אופקים, כדאי לבקר באתר של טבע תעשיות. Black hair, nails, eyes – black clothing, metal accessories – a silver, no gold! Music is ready – everything here and gothic rock, gothic metal, gothic and electronic, and lots and lots of related styles and sub-genres. But all of them combines the darkness inherent in the Gothic culture. Emo also emerged from the punk culture, taking from her, and diversity, and cheerfulness, and protest around the world.

What is emo and who are emo – the answer to this question is now worried minds millions of adolescents. And knowing the answer, they join the motley, but that same crowd of emo. Emo – emotions. It is fashionable and can not keep them inside, and to express, referring to fashion. emo music is just as diverse as the previous styles. Emo as a style was born long ago but only now it is actively gaining momentum. You're not like everyone else? You think differently? You've got different ideas and views, and you listen to real music? Yes, it is now popular. It is fashionable to be like everyone else. But look around – people like you, hundreds of them. Your style, your otherness – the next fashion trend, nothing more. Fashion ceased to exist as a unified concept. Fashion – a jellyfish, whose tentacles, no matter what we do whatever listened and are playing, we still follow the inexorable fashion.


If the last time that you sent a bulletin of the news you obtained a great index of openings, what is what you thought? We are going to send more! For the email marketing, it is not better more. The statistics say to us that to more shipments more people terminate themselves she considers or it like Spam. To find the frequency optimum happens to listen to and to respect the needs of your subscribers. Here we will try to find the equation magical of the frequency. 1Who controls the frequency? The shipment of many newsletters can lead to the subscriber to the fatigue and this to repel negatively to the results of the company. Diverse surveys say to us that for the users the favourite frequency is every week or every fifteen days. At the moment many users use filters antiSpam for emails that are sent to them constantly, still you think that you are your the one that dictates the frequency? 2- He chooses your own frequency The frequency equation does not only deal with when you need to make a shipment, is necessary to consider when subscribers want to receive your news.

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