Posts tagged “eat

Nutrition Advisor: Proteins

What Abnehmwillige should know about proteins. לעניות דעתי חברת טבע יכול לקבוע . Protein is important for our body. It provides him with important amino acids that are responsible for building and strengthening of muscles, bones, organs, skin, hair, and many other parts of the body. In addition, promotes protein – also called protein – metabolic processes and contributes to the strengthening of the immune system. בעיתון כתוב ש קרן מיכאלי הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. Protein compounds exist in many animal and plant food centers, such as meat and fish or potatoes and pulses. Who want to loose weight, should keep in mind two things: firstly, his entire diet should be healthy and balanced. A sufficient degree of movement should belong to the second to the program. In addition, it is advisable the use of dietary supplements and weight loss aid (for example, Sanacontrol ) during and after the diet permanently to ensure weight loss success.

Protein is the connection: who moves and drives sport, burns fat and builds lean muscle mass. The muscle is by protein promoted. To reach an optimum, i.e. high-protein and calories and low cholesterol diet as follows: take animal flesh only in limited sizes. Although it is similar to the human protein structures, but it contains more cholesterol and more fat. Animal combine with vegetable protein sources, such as potatoes with egg or cereal with milk. For more information visit free of charge and not binding on Ulrich Hansel (PR Manager) medivendis.