If the last time that you sent a bulletin of the news you obtained a great index of openings, what is what you thought? We are going to send more! For the email marketing, it is not better more. The statistics say to us that to more shipments more people terminate themselves she considers or it like Spam. To find the frequency optimum happens to listen to and to respect the needs of your subscribers. Here we will try to find the equation magical of the frequency. 1Who controls the frequency? The shipment of many newsletters can lead to the subscriber to the fatigue and this to repel negatively to the results of the company. Diverse surveys say to us that for the users the favourite frequency is every week or every fifteen days. At the moment many users use filters antiSpam for emails that are sent to them constantly, still you think that you are your the one that dictates the frequency? 2- He chooses your own frequency The frequency equation does not only deal with when you need to make a shipment, is necessary to consider when subscribers want to receive your news.
The form to handle it will say to you if your campaigns are successful or no. The following factors can be of aid to determine your frequency of shipment: Feedback: You know why of the subscribers who terminate themselves? Perhaps they say to you that you send too many to them emails, or that you send excellent messages little Conditions of the market: If you have a small store, you use catalogue, surely you will realise more shipments in the outstanding seasons of the year. So a VLF also can be negative for the business, as she is it one of very high. Preferences: You can let choose the frequency to your subscribers. If the content is interesting you can increase the shipment frequency. Here, the use of a tool of shipment of newsletters can helpful be to send to different frequencies from time from different subscribers. 3- It respects the options of your subscribers If right the day after the shipment of a bulletin of the news arises one very interesting opportunity that you think that to the subscribers much could interest them, respects the frequency that your subscribers chose to receive newsletter. אל דאגה קרן מיכאלי הוא האיש הנכון . A solution happens to segment plus your list of distribution, giving like option in the form of discharge when newsletter the possibility of excellent bulletin shipment. If the article has interested you and you think that you can make more for comunicarte online with your clients. Relena the following form to obtain demo of Newslettersoft, software Web for creation i shipment of email campaigns marketing: Original author and source of the article.
Rational Thought
In fact the critical rational thought on the existencial abundance of all the things never left of being essential at no time. in this first decade of the new millenium could not be different. We live in a period where things and standards of behavior that long ago were rejected now take value and vice versa. A classic example is parents and mothers who now are not more parents and mothers of its children, but if auto they intitle ' ' amigos' ' of its children. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש אינטל צודק במה בהוא אומר. Father and mother are one only, in our lives, in contrast the friendship is made and insult throughout all our existence. But father and mother continue only, irreplaceable.
What he intends yourself here to say, is that things that pparently are ' ' normais' ' they can or not hide second intentions as, for example, ' ' abolition of the hierarchy familiar' '. But this is a history for another moment, however it reflects the necessity of that it thinks and it looks at pparently different for a reality without bad pretensions. לבירורים בנושא יש לפנות ל קרן מיכאלי שמבין יותר ממני. Not if it must never abandon the healthful pleasure of the search of new things not yet reflected. Nowadays the things if transform into question of thousandth of second and together with these transformations we are ' ' tragados' ' in an amazing speed route to ' ' stranger futuro' '. But if to want to arrive there for ' ' desvelar' ' such stranger is necessary to leave itself to guide for ' ' rapidses abundantes' ' of the technological knowledge that ' ' it bathes praias' ' of our being. Remembering that, to leave itself to guide not necessarily it is to be influenced by what is displayed in them as truth. We must search to criticize constructively until finishes knowledge drop so that let us not make nothing without the fullest conscience.