Guarani Individual
The adventurer would give the life to enjoy; the gentleman would arrostaria the death to deserve a look; the savage if would kill, if necessary she was, alone to make Ceclia to smile. (Jose de Alencar: The Guarani. CAP: VIII) Blowing a heroic myth, Alencar attributes to the Guarani a history that joins national and universal in the measure where mitifica and it becomes heroic the colonial past of Brazil.
Jose de Alencar at the same time in that it accents to the maximum the local color, also showing historical legends, customs, languages and facts. The author makes bridge between document and fancy, idealizing the Brazilian primitive, mainly through the scene, of herosmo and the Cortez love of the medieval romances of cavalry. THE NATIONAL FACE AND ITS UNIVERSAL TRACES In the literary manifestations of Jose de Alencar and Pink Guimares Joo, the regionalistic sort goes beyond the fiction. While this part of particular for the generality, observing the individual in the measure where it combines itself in the humanity, the regionalism understands this individual of contrary form. It is in the ratio where the citizen if disintegrates of a generalization, that the manifest regionalism if.
It shows the individual as product of a way, on to its environment, separate of everything what he is strange to its world. However the regionalism in such a way in Alencar how much in Guimares, it does not imply abandonment of the universal one. In the truth, this aspect will go to be only one significant suggestion that it converges to a especificidade that prevails. Inside of this perspective, sertanejo created by Pink Guimares, is configured as universal man when confrotting itself with existenciais problems..
The Dialogue
How much to the language also it is thus. So that the child acquires the capacity of conceitualizar, she is necessary before to be capable to symbolize. The symbols appear by means of the convivncia with the familiar ones, through the contact with the television (the programs preferred for the child show how much of simbolizao it was capable to absorb). In order to establish the capacity of conceitualizar, the child looks to models ' ' acessveis' ' it and therefore, certain people is more accepted of what others, in the privacy of this. The way to say, to dress, the attitudes, the form to touch in some thing, and same in the people are practical examples so that the child can learn and imitate. In conclusion, the said language is learned for what it is seen, hears, and touches. The capacity of conceitualizar, that is, to classify, to generalize and to categorize, it is developed by the relation with the environment. If the stimulation brings a safe knowledge, the sequence guarantees the learning; either of any content.
How much to the content, it will only fit to the conscience of each practitioner of the action, that is, the interlocutor. To this the responsibility will fit to teach and to contribute for the development of the human being. The dialogue is directly on to the content of speaks. How much better the level of the content (election in the concept and the emotion), as much better the quality to establish the dialogue. The more security and exactness in the perception, better the development of dialogue. The security and exactness in the perception nothing have to see with swaggerer and magnificent pride or. In the great majority of the times, many concepts are taught of simple and naked form of sophistication. Also simplicity nothing has to see with the mediocrity or duplicity of intentions, that is, the verbal language is the one and corporal language, clothes, or appearance, or same the corporal expressividade (attitudes), is another one.