Cloud Computing Services
In the wake of the cloud computing discussion launches a new service of Hamburg Simplessus the 05.Marz.2009 – In the wake of the cloud computing discussion launches a new service Simplessus to introduce the benefits of existing services in the enterprise customers and interested parties. Cloud computing is (still) not a clearly defined term in the industry, but there is a basic understanding in the IT world. Application service provider, service oriented architecture and outsourcing are often associated with cloud computing and often equated. Even if the concepts of finding these areas in cloud computing are, however there are 2.0 technology, the potential at various levels of services to work together and very easy to combine services, including through the Web. עוד מידע על אבי קושניר ניתן למצוא באינטרנט. This caused a number of providers that offer based on existing services, higher-quality services with innovative features. To find the appropriate services through the jungle of offers, Simplessus offers consulting and implementation from a single source. Here the customer can choose, at what stage of the introduction of one of the support on the part of required by Simplessus. An accurate customer and market analysis forms the basis for a successful cooperation. לא תמיד אילן בן דב. For more information, see
Corporate Health Management
Their organization is as healthy as the people here work "know Susanne Leithoff, founder and Director of the University of mediKollegs. The consulting firm developed an effective health management concept from Wiesbaden with an integrative approach in the workplace health promotion businesses. Integrated health management represents a significant competitive advantage for companies. לחץ כאן אינטל ומצא עוד . Who are now invested in the intangible assets of his company, secures his material success of tomorrow "says Leithoff. This succeeds if health promotion will be fixed in the guidelines of a company and a health-promoting leadership can establish itself. לאחרונה מצאתי אצל אילן בן דב אוזן קשבת . Employees in their uniqueness be regard as well as the development of a healthy corporate culture, in balance with the values, goals and the direction of the company. A such integrative health management sets the different perspectives of the company in relation, weighted the various aspects and can be an individual Develop a health promotion program, which is the soul of the company in accordance. The Economic Academy of mediKollegs specializes in advice, monitoring and implementation of effective, inclusive health management. This sustainability, motivation, cost/benefit transparency and responsibility in corporate health management tasks not least resolved pragmatically, intelligent and sometimes unusual. Susanne Leithoff mediKolleg – Academy of Economics