Posts tagged “society and culture

Art Of Displacement

Each time more the modern society, based on the logic of the competitive and consumista capitalism, impersonaties individualistic, self-centered feelings exacerbados, that they are presented in the most diverse daily relations of the people. Doubtlessly, this same society lives in an incessant search for consumption good to fill a existencial emptiness that takes account of all. לאחרונה מצאתי אצל גבי חמו אוזן קשבת . It characterizes itself, essentially, for ' ' Ter' ' in detriment of ' ' Ser' ' , therefore the logic of the consumption says in them that, the more to consume more we will be happy, same that for this let us be induced to consume, also, until what in them is not useful: if I ' ' Tenho' ' I ' ' Sou' '. Everything this is tax from an ideological speech very based well, spread in diverse medias of masses, in the intention to make to seem to that the life alone will be more practical, more easy, faster, and who knows until, less complicated and extenuante if consuming without stopping. Inserted in a technological society, where the information arrive at a speed until then inconceivable, want whenever the solution of our problems has the same resolutividade, and are well there our front, where let us not have that to unfasten energy and efforts to decide them.