Posts tagged “vocational

Evening Studies Hamburg

I'm looking for an evening course in Hamburg. Under you will find all evening courses in your environment. Who part-time would like to educate themselves, a part-time study is for the best choice often. No matter whether you for an evening course (z.B: in Hamburg, Germany) or a correspondence course decides – breath of fresh air in working life, the one comes with a newly acquired academic qualifications the career ladder can up Wehen. The other variant: Who makes further with an evening course, can to orient themselves professionally and create as the change in a previously unreachable sector. A part-time study brings so many benefits. But of course, there are also disadvantages.

An evening course calls for much hard work and ambition. In the evenings after a long day of work or high school press and carefully follow the designs of the lecturers, can be very tiring. And as an evening course extends mostly on Saturdays, is also the half-free weekend. Despite these disadvantages: If you a combined form of studies successfully complete, can you be proud of yourself. לבירורים בנושא יש לפנות ל קרן מיכאלי שמבין יותר ממני. And also HR are one such portion staying power convinced, as shown by several studies. If you want to inform yourself about an evening course in Hamburg in detail, then you are on the portal. Find all courses which are offered in the evening studying in Hamburg, listed in a list. Are you looking for an evening course in another city? Through the narrowing after postcode areas you will find always the right evening study in your environment. For example, an evening course in Dusseldorf. Evening studies Hamburg overview at

Dyslexia, Dyscalculia And ADHD In A Double Or Triple Pack?

16th BVL Federal Congress from 2 to 5 October 2008 in Berlin provides necessary education 16 BVL – Congress of the Union from 2 to 5 October 2008 in Berlin ensures necessary information many parents and teachers are desperate, because some pupils and students the academic performance are consistently bad, even though the child otherwise has a good talent. Some children show massive difficulties in reading, spelling and arithmetic. In addition, they seem to have problems with attention. We understand the causes of these comorbid conditions so far only partially and the research has to be done here. It turned out but in several studies, that children with dyslexia and dyscalculia may have also have an attention deficit disorder", so Mrs Prof. Karin Landerl, developmental psychologist at the University of Tubingen.

It is necessary a multidimensional diagnosis then, precisely to clarify the causes and to create an individual therapy and support framework for the child. One intervention achieved improvement of read – and right write performance may have some positive effects also on the services in the mathematics classroom, such as better management of text tasks, an overall improvement of the computing services can be expected however,"explains Prof. Landerl. בזמן האחרון אני מתחיל מאוד להעריך את אילן בן דב. In the area of the Dyskalkulieforschung gain mathematical precursor to skills in importance. In the already more advanced dyslexia research is to determine specific basic skills which prove relevant precursor of school mathematics performance.

Current findings demonstrate that children with dyscalculia have actually already show abnormalities in the kindergarten in dealing with numbers. The findings are very promising in the early detection of risk children for dyscalculia. Landerl calls for parents, educators and teachers must be enlightened about the risk factors of various partial output errors, so that they can initiate the necessary measures in a timely manner". On the 16th Federal Congress of the BVL, Federal Association of current research on dyslexia and dyscalculia dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V., from 2 to 5 October 2008 in Berlin, will be presented. In a variety of symposia and workshops, lectures about early detection and support for dyslexia, dyscalculia and ADHD and legal frameworks shown. The themes have a high practical relevance for educators, teachers, therapists and parents. In addition, there is a parents Symposium for parents.

Success: Start Of Training Emergency For Disadvantaged Youth

A project of the ' emergency training the FHH 2007 SoPro 2007' funded by the Ministry of Economics and labour. UPGRADE GmbH: Successful start of training emergency for disadvantaged youths since February 1, 2008 makes the UPGRADE GmbH, society for media, consulting, training mbH, 15 disadvantaged young people to the media designer for digital and print media from a project of emergency training the FHH 2007 SoPro 2007 "financed by the Ministry of Economics and labour. אפריקה ישראל בהחלט מביע דעה מלומדת. This is UPGRADE of first and only provider within this programme in the field of printing and media. The offer is aimed at education willing and motivated young people from socially deprived areas or with a migration background. בעניני עסקים תמיד כדאי לפנות ל אפריקה ישראל. Before the three-year training, the young people receive a pre-qualification. On the basis of an analysis of the competence, we quickly see in which areas we need to strengthen the participants', so Nicole Gopfert, project manager of the program. In addition to the professional teaching of basic knowledge, our focus is However in the field of educational and social support our participants." The trainers will accompany and support the young people during the entire training.

They motivate their students and thus provide a confident demeanour. In addition to specialized theoretical and practical knowledge are application training, exercises improving intercultural, social and communicative skills to the curriculum. Basic skills were given these young people not in the parental home. Lack of school knowledge, especially in German and mathematics, with individual tutoring in small groups and remedial teaching is balanced by the fact the trainees get a specific exam preparation. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש טבע צודק במה בהוא אומר. They are competitive when applying for a job.

I'm happy about the opportunity that offers me this dual training", as Julian Hohenstein, an apprentice. In my first attempt of training I was ever not taken seriously. In this project, I have trainers who are interested in me. You're not talking only about my weaknesses, but work together with me way, so that I can improve myself. In addition to the theory, which gives us that we are working on practical projects. So we can immediately see the result of our work." Katharina Hohlfeldt and Carsten Thun, the competent instructors of this group, are enthusiastic about the motivation of their proteges. "It is not so hard to motivate these young people" so Hans, you listen to them to praise and show them alternatives if there are problems. " For more information see UPGRADE GmbH, Gauss road 190, 22765 Hamburg, Tel. 040 39 92 83-0, E-mail;. The UPGRADE GmbH has many years of experience in the field of the vocational preparation, education and training and the acquisition and arranging training courses. Close cooperation with the Association of print and media North allows direct access to the network of employers and trade association. This is the participant placement in internships, training etc. or employment benefits. Press contact: Larissa Hummel email B2B PR March route 5a 22559 Hamburg Tel 040 855 08 326 fax 040 81 95 62 27 email Web:

Germany Executives

Is it even possible to sustainable development without qualified training of coaches? The success of enterprises depends for the most part of the leadership skills of its managers. For their qualification, there is an inexhaustible range of seminars, training courses and coaching in Germany. Manager for your task be made fit with a wide range of methods and approaches. A model, which more and more established in the market for human resources development, is the leadership training with horses. In this method, horses serve as assistant coach. בעיתון כתוב ש רב של צפת הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. The advantage of this principle is that horses reflect an absolutely objective reflection of trade of a business executive.

Through the clear, direct and unvarnished feedback of quadrupeds, Manager can learn their own strengths and weaknesses. Pferdecoaching as an established training method for senior managers due to the success of this method specialize in this form of coaching numerous coach. לעומת זאת, קרן מיכאלי בהחלט מבין את הסיפור. Some companies offer your training concept as Franchise system. Virtually anyone can buy the concept in license and perform Pferdecoachings for managers and executives. Here the question in how far such deals for a sustainable self-development sensible and useful are really.

At a time when executives due to the pressure of success and responsibilities come mentally at their borders, holistic and tailored to the target group concepts are in demand. Why? Horses often uncover relentlessly lack of leadership personality very prompted executives in the practical exercises through the natural and unsparing honesty of horses. A high range of emotional experience can take place here. Ranging from moments of unexpected happiness – with good success of the exercise – to absolute helplessness or aggression in the participants – if the horse acknowledges, for example, the efforts of the Executive with utter ignorance. This point of strong emotional experience is very desirable and is quite the coach welcomes. Because this created the basis and the atmosphere of a real openness and willingness to change.

Unister Supports Academics

Leipzig Internet company promotes the Internet company based in Leipzig, the University first GmbH belongs to the renowned sponsors from the economy, engaged in the promotion of the first democratic fellowship first democratic scholarship. Objective is to increase the educational opportunities beyond promoting conventional elite. For Unister is the academic youth of particular importance, because it plays an important role in the recruitment of future employees. Approximately 4,500 students and graduates have applied for the scholarship by Absolventa e.V., a job board for young graduates. There are currently over 500 candidates in the final selection for the scholarship.

Up to 25,000 euros beckon them to pay the costs of studies, but also of the Bafogs or a student loan. Regardless of the study notes the candidates were asked, in an individual letter of motivation of their own personal history whether to report dramatic or funny. לא תמיד רב שמואל אליהו . Subsequently, they were of Absolventa e.V. בזמן האחרון אני מתחיל מאוד להעריך את קרן מיכאלי. on credibility checks and presented in a brief description on the website. Applicants to report how much money for what they need. For example applying a mechatronic student to 2000 euros for the financing of a placement of abroad. A student of the course of study design would like to 800 euros to buy a digital SLR camera from the money. A student of theology would like to advance their promotion with 2000 euro.

Currently, the Favorites can be selected by democratic vote. The candidates who received the most votes for themselves, then get a democratic scholarship. More information: meldungen.html the University of first media GmbH ( marketed as from company, successful German-language Internet portals in the travel sector as,, and. More products and services are in the areas of finance with and, insurance with and, media with and, automobile and shopping with and, and. In addition the University Service GmbH, also acts as an independent tour operator.

Advantages In The Crisis Patterns Of Thought And Action Change

NLP strengthens individual initiative and ability to act in the crisis has arrived the crisis into the General consciousness at the latest since the speeches to May 1. But most people experience helpless in a situation where they seemingly not much can do, except wait and hope that the times are better. This forced inactivity caused stress. Stress makes stupid Berlin NLP coach Ralf Stumpf says. עוד מידע על קרן מיכאלי ניתן למצוא באינטרנט. Stress changes our brain chemistry so that we can react quickly and reflexively.

Unfortunately, this comes at the cost of our strategic and forward-looking thinking! In a situation in which there is little scope in the immediate present, raised to this stress and reduces even further the future options. The method of neuro linguistic programming (NLP) studied for about 30 years the thinking and behavior patterns of successful people. NLP has the objective to describe that anyone can make it to these strategies. What are the advantages it brings in the crisis, its patterns of thought and action to change Ralf Stumpf describes as follows: the first step is the own perception. Our perception centers in the brain get only about 20% of their inputs from the sense organs. 80% of the inputs come from other brain areas.

What we perceive, so most prerequisite knowledge, prejudices, expectations and mood depends. If the brain on crisis is set, perceive so prefers that people, confirming their image. This easily happens that one sees over the really important, useful and new information. "The more one succeeds, this background noise to influence, the better one is equipped for situations where unexpected changes are happening and new patterns of action are needed. Another important point is the emotional self-control. We choose action option, which seems to us most naheliegendsten close and effective at any moment "explains Ralf Stumpf. This election largely depends on our emotional assessment of the situation AB. If we feel something as an attack (= aggression), other reactions arise, as if we see the same situation as a question (= curiosity). The better it succeeds one, consciously to control this emotional reaction, the resulting field of action possibilities is all the more rich. In the current uncertainty, most people want to spend their money just very cautious. That's why Ralf Stumpf indicates two offers: together with Carsten Gramatke he offers to the free E-Mail Coachinglektionen L50, where weekly email with specific exercises of NLP to get. On the other hand offer Ralf Stumpf and Carsten Gramatke the Ferienpractitioner on (, an NLP training half of the current price (950, certified by the DVNLP and Bildungsurlaub recognized). There are also in a situation in which you seemingly can do not much to concrete ways to invest in themselves and to adapt itself better. Another advantage: The learned Techniques keep their benefits, when the crisis is over. Web links: L50-Coachinglektionen: l50.htm Ferienpractitioner:

New Orientation And Change Of Leadership

Dr. Helge Moritz of new Managing Director of Barcodat GmbH Dr. Helge Moritz (49) took over the management of the Barcodat GmbH in Dornstetten from 01 May 2010. Moritz studied physics at the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum and then graduated to Dr.-ing. He worked in several companies of industrial image processing. in 2003, he founded the Alliance for image processing, automation and quality assurance (ABAQuS), which Sprecher is he. Moritz is the author of a lexicon of the image processing"and of many publications for industrial image processing. לא תמיד Ilan Ben Dov. With his experience in the project business of automation systems the Barcodat GmbH is geared more towards solution and system provider via Identtechnologien.

I found a motivated and competent team at Barcodat, which has already successfully implemented some projects. We are are now consistently expanding this area of the system integration."Dr. Moritz explains its purpose. Barcodat is less than 25 years of experience as a specialist in data collection systems in the field Quality assurance and automation. Barcodat has started as a supplier of stroke and 2D, mobile data acquisition equipment (MDE), label printers and consumables. Then the business expanded to include services such as specifications, consulting, interface production and training up to the complete project management including the necessary Applikatios software. Graphic solution examples include systems for traceability (traceability) security-related articles, inventory assistance or the Organization of camps.

Competition In The Domestic: The Chinese AT Colleague

… works more and earned (even) less Frankfurt, June 19, 2011: the Personalglobal from Frankfurt, a study that also in Germany the competition of highly qualified workers from China is increasing and is to take this seriously. Chinese students have discovered long ago to German universities, and remain after studying often at least for some time in Germany. Because it is here mostly to good workers, shows alone the fact that they have the chance in a tough selection process, to be able to study abroad. Most have this Chinese already demonstrated their suitability by a degree in China and study so to speak a second time in Germany. According to a study of the Personalglobal in the first quarter of 2011 under 1,000 Chinese graduates of German universities distinguished the following picture: the weekly working time of the Chinese equipped with a tariff agreement is 53.7 hours per week. Their merit is in the cutting at about 20 percent below the content, paid usually for such positions when domestic employees. לענייננו, אילן בן דב הוא הכתובת בשבילך.

But just the content will be corrected strongly in the next few months upwards. More and more Chinese recognize their value for German companies. This is just in the bi cultural area. Due to their high intelligence and their learning, the Chinese have quickly learned the German language and internalized the German culture. When this process is complete, these workers are worth more than comparable German employees in the long run about 20 percent. This of course requires that they work in a company that also value achieved in or with China and benefit from one such employee. במקרה הזה אני חושב ש קרן מיכאלי צודק במה בהוא אומר. Background: Personalglobal is the specialist around China with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main as recruiters. Customers are mainly medium-sized companies, with Chinese or China want to do business and for this purpose are looking for suitable staff in addition to DAX and MDAX. In the first quarter of 2011, the Personalglobal asked exactly 1,000 Chinese candidates under structured selection interviews for the Personalglobal talent pool in regard to their concrete ideas and ways of working. The results from this will be published after, are also explained in a personal phone call.

Trade Association

To strengthen the security in the Internet in the sense of the consumer, remains one of the priority objectives of the Association. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as חברת טבע by clicking through. "Michael Buller: here, the VIR members as largest online travel companies in Germany have a role model for the entire industry." The VIR online innovation days, which have taken place so far twice in Berlin are another major project. We want to inspire companies and convey ideas", affirmed Michael Buller. Therefore, we will in 2012 with new impulses for tourism experts from the online and offline sector again hold. this relatively new, but already established event of industry" 2012 of the VIR online innovation days expected to find on June 13th and 14th at the Marshall House on the grounds of Messe Berlin instead (

Picture Note: Michael Buller was confirmed in his Office as VIR Board for another two years. About the VIR: The Internet travel distribution Association (VIR) is the Trade Association for the tourist Internet economy. Its members include tourism,,,, HolidayCheck, JT and seven of the largest online travel companies in Germany, who generate revenues of around two billion euros. All VIR member companies have themselves and their services TuV certified and thus occupy a role model for the entire travel industry. Supporting members of the VIR are Alliance global assistance, BPCS consulting services, CEWE COLOR, DB marketing, DERTOUR, DMC Digital Media Center, GIATA, HanseMerkur, Pisano holding, Sabre Travel network, sunny cars, traffic, Travelport, arranged, TrustYou, TUI interactive and @Leisure BR BV. For more information about the Association is on the website. _ Headquarters: Internet travel distribution Association, Celtic ring 9, 82041 Oberhaching, phone: 089-610667-29, E-Mail:,, Internet: press releases on the Internet: the current "Press releases are on the Internet under in the press area" to the download "available. The inclusion in the press distribution via the Internet is also possible. Take advantage of our service and subscribe to the RSS-feeds of VIR.