Posts tagged “you emend

Proposal Curricular Pedagogical

Word-key: education of the Mathematics? formation of professors? practical professor? emended system. Introduction the study of this research on the practical professor in the area of Mathematics can help to understand and to analyze the benefits and/or resultant curses of the implantation of the new methodology of education adopted for the Secretariat of Education of the State of So Paulo (SEE/SP): ' ' Notebooks of the Professor and the Aluno' '. These notebooks enclose, beyond the contents to discipline, suggestions for the use of the technologies, the playful one and the creativity. The questions that this research motivated had been fomented by the changes implanted for the State Secretariat of Educao (SEE) of So Paulo, in 2008, when new a Proposal Curricular Pedagogical was implemented in the state schools of So Paulo, aiming at to a common base for Basic Ensino and Average Education. It was adopted, for this, an emended methodology, where the professor would have to give the contents of ' ' Notebooks of the Professor and the Aluno' ' , elaborated for the SEE. I bring, thus, for this research, questionings that I consider basic for the understanding of the practical professor, such as: where it is the autonomy of the professor to create practical its? ' ' apostilamento' ' it would be a tecnicista form of control of the practical professor? In the Proposal of the SEE/SP, ' ' Notebooks of the Professor' ' ' ' Notebooks of the Aluno' ' , specific for each it disciplines and with predefined contents, they had been considered of obligator use for the SEE/SP, rank that possesss as objective ' ' to fulfill its duty to guarantee to all a base comum' '. In the case of it disciplines of Mathematics, had been proposals in ' ' Notebooks of the Professores' ' activities that would have to be treated throughout the bimasters, during the school year of 2008. .